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Posted by on May 6, 2015 in Featured

Solidarity with #BaltimoreRising Rally

Solidarity with #BaltimoreRising Rally

Saturday, May 2nd, more than 100 protesters converged on Albany Police Headquarters to express their disapproval with local and national police violence, and stand in solidarity with Baltimore’s uprising in response to the recent police murders of Freddie Gray and Mya Hall.  Additionally, protesters attempted to file a formal complaint with APD regarding their handling of the death of Albany native Dontay Ivy.  Ivy was killed last month after being stopped for not having his left hand visible, and subsequently tased by police.  Protesters were not permitted entry into police headquarters, and proceeded to read their grievances aloud to onlookers, the media, and police monitoring the demonstration.

Shortly thereafter, protestors (lead by CAAMI), walked two blocks to the corner where Ivy was unjustly confronted by police.  A makeshift memorial was in place, and protesters spoke of their outrage regarding the tragic and unnecessary manor in which Ivy met his end.  Interviews and additional information were then disseminated to the media and members of the community.